Bavaria Mobility



Certain services can only be provided if you disclose your location or the location of your vehicle. We take the privacy of location information very seriously.

The following safeguards are applied to location information (including information accessed as part of the vehicle servicing process):

  • They are only retained in a form associated with you or your vehicle for as long as is necessary to fulfill the consented purpose.

  • They are only obtained or accessed in this form when necessary to provide the requested service or where we are required to retain and/or provide the information by law (and where we are required to provide the information to law enforcement or any other third party, we will inform you, unless to do so would prejudice the prevention or detection of a crime, or where we are not permitted to do so).

  • Vehicle location information and device location information are not corroborated unless necessary to provide the requested service.

  • Any other use of Location Information for analytical purposes will be performed on irreversibly anonymized datasets.

  • BMW Romania and Bavaria Mobility may have access to Vehicle Location Information, and BMW AG may have access to Device Location Information through the services they provide (for example, ConnectedDrive).


You will have received a detailed description of the location information obtained to provide a service dependent on location information when you originally purchased the vehicle or when you activated or set up the service or application (for example, ConnectedDrive or Connected App). Please note that we may not be able to provide you with certain features of our Services if you limit the collection of location information.
